Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1939, 11, 184-186

Remarks to the foregoing note of V. Čupr

D. Ilkovič

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • D. Ilkovič
    A note to the communication of V. Čupr Polarization of the quinhydrone electrodes
    1939, Vol. 11, pp. 176–178 [Abstract]
  • D. Ilkovič
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury electrode. Part VII. The temperature coefficient of the diffusion currents
    1938, Vol. 10, pp. 249–252 [Abstract]
  • D. Ilkovič
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury electrode. Part IV. The measurement of the polarization capacity
    1936, Vol. 8, pp. 170–177 [Abstract]
  • D. Ilkovič
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury electrode. Part III. The cause of maxima on curent-voltage curves
    1936, Vol. 8, pp. 13–34 [Abstract]
  • J. Heyrovský and D. Ilkovič
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury electrode. Part II. The absolute determination of reduction and depolarization potentials
    1935, Vol. 7, pp. 198–214 [Abstract]
  • D. Ilkovič
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury kathode. Part XLIV. The dependence of limiting currents on the diffusion constant, on the rate of dropping and on the size of drops
    1934, Vol. 6, pp. 498–513 [Abstract]
  • D. Ilkovič
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury kathode. Part XXVIII. The evolution of hydrogen from neutral and alkaline solutions
    1932, Vol. 4, pp. 480–491 [Abstract]
  • D. Ilkovič and G. Semerano
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury kathode. Part XXV. Increased sensitivity of micro-analytical estimations by a compensation of current
    1932, Vol. 4, pp. 176–180 [Abstract]