Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1955, 20, 471-476

On proteins. XXIX. Oxidation of the pancreatic proteases

B. Keil

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • P. Nedkov, B. Meloun and B. Keil
    Studies on the three-dimensional structure of dolphin myoglobin and on the distribution of interchangeable amino acids in sperm-whale, dolphin, and horse myoglobin
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 11, pp. 3597–3604 [Abstract]
  • H. Keilová, O. Markovič and B. Keil
    Characterization and chemical modification of cathepsin D from bovine spleen
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 7, pp. 2154–2157 [Abstract]
  • J. Vaněček and B. Keil
    On proteins. CXVI. Fractionation of subunits of horse apoferritin by gel filtration
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 3, pp. 1067–1075 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil, V. Dlouhá, Václav Holeyšovský and F. Šorm
    Hypothesis of three-dimensional arrangement of polypeptide chain in trypsin
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 7, pp. 2307–2315 [Abstract]
  • S. V. Shlyapnikov, B. Meloun, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Differences in nitration of tyrosine residues in chymotrypsinogen and chymotrypsin
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 7, pp. 2292–2298 [Abstract]
  • H. Keilová, E. Savickajtě, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Proteinases of Ehrlich ascites tumor. V. Enzymatic specificity of cathepsin I
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 1980–1983 [Abstract]
  • P. Nedkov, N. Genov, M. Karadjova and B. Keil
    On proteins. CXV. Peptides isolated from chymotryptic digest of dolphin myoglobin
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 1974–1979 [Abstract]
  • H. Keilová and B. Keil
    On proteins. CXIII. Specificity of cleavage of heptapeptide substrate with bovine spleen cathepsin D
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 1, pp. 131–140 [Abstract]
  • F. Franěk, V. Pačes, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. CXI. Isolation of electrophoretically homogeneous components of normal pig γG-globulin light chains and demonstration of their structural heterogeneity
    1967, Vol. 32, Issue 9, pp. 3242–3249 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil, L. Morávek and F. Šorm
    On proteins. CIX. Disulfide bonds of hog pepsin
    1967, Vol. 32, Issue 5, pp. 1968–1975 [Abstract]
  • L. Rexová, Z. Kopec and B. Keil
    Isolation and certain properties of wheat β-amylase
    1967, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 678–684 [Abstract]
  • Z. Prusík, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. CIV. Disulfide bonds of chymotrypsinogen
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 6, pp. 2565–2582 [Abstract]
  • C. Jegorov, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. XCII. Comparative study of the primary structure of the myoglobins of various animals by the fingerprinting method
    1965, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 105–117 [Abstract]
  • H. Keilová and B. Keil
    Proteinases of Ehrlich ascites tumour. IV. Specificity of cleavage of the B-chain of oxidized insulin with cathepsin I and II isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumour cells
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 9, pp. 2272–2276 [Abstract]
  • H. Keilová, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Proteases of Ehrlich ascites tumor. III. Purification and characterization of cellular cathepsins I and II
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 9, pp. 2216–2222 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and H. Keilová
    On proteins. XC. Peptic and tryptic cleavage of the B-chain of oxidized insulin
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 9, pp. 2206–2215 [Abstract]
  • V. Dlouhá, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Structure of the peptides isolated from the tryptic hydrolysate of the A chain of edestin
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 8, pp. 1835–1850 [Abstract]
  • Z. Zmrhal, C. Jegorov and B. Keil
    On proteins. LXXXVII. Isolation and characterization of monkey myoglobins
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 943–952 [Abstract]
  • F. Franěk and B. Keil
    Structural differences between gamma-globulin chains
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 847–849 [Abstract]
  • M. Karadžova, P. T. Nedkov, B. Atanasov and B. Keil
    On proteins. LXXXVI. Isolation and properties of myoglobin from the dolphin Delphinus delphis
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp. 551–556 [Abstract]
  • V. Dlouhá, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LXXXV. Separation of the two polypeptide chains of S-sulphoedestine
    1963, Vol. 28, Issue 11, pp. 2969–2976 [Abstract]
  • Š. Štokrová and B. Keil
    A study of the course of tryptic hydrolysis of human serum albumin
    1963, Vol. 28, Issue 11, pp. 2864–2873 [Abstract]
  • B. Meloun, V. Kostka, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LXXXIII. Peptides isolated from the peptic digest of the part of a tryptic hydrolysate of S-sulpho-chymotrypsinogen insoluble in acid environment
    1963, Vol. 28, Issue 10, pp. 2749–2778 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil, Z. Prusík, L. Morávek and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LXXXI. The disulphide bonds of α-chymotrypsinogen and peptides from its peptic hydrolysate
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 12, pp. 2946–2955 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil, H. Keilová and I. Bartošek
    On proteins. LXXX. Column gradient extraction of proteins
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 12, pp. 2940–2945 [Abstract]
  • H. Keilová and B. Keil
    Proteinases of the Ehrlich ascites tumour. II. Separation of proteinases of the ascites fluid and ascites cells
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 9, pp. 2193–2201 [Abstract]
  • H. Keilová and B. Keil
    Proteinases of the Ehrlich ascites tumour. I. Basic characterization of the proteinases and their dependence on the growth of the tumour
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 9, pp. 2186–2192 [Abstract]
  • O. Mikeš, Václav Holeyšovský, V. Tomášek, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LXXVI. Structure of peptides isolated from a tryptic digest of diisopropylphosphoryl-trypsin
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 8, pp. 1964–1987 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil, J. Morávek, V. Dlouhá and J. Filip
    On proteins. LXXV. Desulphurization and hydrogenation of amino acids using tritium
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 7, pp. 1687–1691 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil, J. Zikán, L. Rexová and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LXXIV. Hydrogenation of aromatic amino acids in peptides
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 7, pp. 1678–1686 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LXXIII. Desulphurization of sulphur-containing amino acids in peptides
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 7, pp. 1673–1677 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LXXI. Analysis of protein structures from the aspect of amino acid interchanges
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 1310–1319 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm, B. Keil, J. Vaněček, V. Tomášek, O. Mikeš, B. Meloun, V. Kostka and Václav Holeyšovský
    On proteins. LXIII. Lower structures in the chains of proteins
    1961, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 531–578 [Abstract]
  • M. Karadžova, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Peptides isolated from acid hydrolysate of edestin
    1960, Vol. 25, Issue 11, pp. 2878–2888 [Abstract]
  • J. Vaněček, B. Meloun, V. Kostka, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LXI. Peptides isolated from peptic hydrolysate of chymotrypsinogen
    1960, Vol. 25, Issue 9, pp. 2358–2368 [Abstract]
  • Z. Prusík and B. Keil
    An investigation of conditions of separating substances by high-voltage electrophoresis on paper
    1960, Vol. 25, Issue 8, pp. 2049–2058 [Abstract]
  • B. Meloun, J. Vaněček, Z. Prusík, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LVII. Peptides isolated from tryptic hydrolysate of oxidized chymotrypsin
    1960, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp. 571–578 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil, F. Šorm, Václav Holeyšovský, V. Kostka, B. Meloun, O. Mikeš, V. Tomášek and J. Vaněček
    On proteins. LVI. On the partial structures of bovine chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 10, pp. 3491–3493 [Abstract]
  • J. Vaněček, B. Keil, B. Meloun and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LIV. Isolation of some peptides from tryptic hydrolysates of chymotrypsinogen and diisopropylphosphoryltrypsin
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 9, pp. 3148–3153 [Abstract]
  • B. Meloun, Václav Holeyšovský, J. Vaněček, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. LIII. Peptides of aspartic acid and glutamic acid isolated from a chymotrypsinogen hydrolysate
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 9, pp. 3002–3006 [Abstract]
  • V. Kostka, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Über Eiweisstoffe LII. Über einige Baueinheiten des Schweinepepsins
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 8, pp. 2768–2780 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. XLVIII. Cysteic acid peptides from a partial trypsin hydrolysate
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 1573–1580 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. XLVII. Cysteic acid peptides from a partial chymotrypsinogen hydrolysate
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 1558–1572 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm and B. Keil
    On proteins. L. Principles underlying the structure of ribonuclease
    1958, Vol. 23, Issue 8, pp. 1575–1578 [Abstract]
  • J. Kára and B. Keil
    Über Eiweisstoffe XLIV. Über die Bindungsart der α,ε-Diaminopimelinsäure in den Zellen von Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. hominis
    1958, Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp. 1392–1400 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm, B. Keil, Václav Holeyšovský, B. Meloun, O. Mikeš and J. Vaněček
    On proteins. XLIX. Comparison of the microstructures of chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen
    1958, Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 985–988 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil
    On proteins. XLIII. Isolation of dinitrophenyl derivatives of amino-acids and peptides by ion-exchange
    1958, Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 740–745 [Abstract]
  • P. Mäsiar, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. XLII. Comparison of the histidine peptides from a partial hydrolysate of horse and pig haemoglobin
    1958, Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 734–739 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm, B. Keil, Václav Holeyšovský, V. Knesslová, V. Kostka, P. Mäsiar, B. Meloun, O. Mikeš, V. Tomášek and J. Vaněček
    On proteins. XXXIX. Structural resemblance in certain proteins
    1957, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 1310–1329 [Abstract]
  • P. Mäsiar, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins and aminoacids. XXXVIII. Comparison of arginine peptides from partial hydrolysates of two hemoglobins
    1957, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 1203–1212 [Abstract]
  • V. Tomášek, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Über Eiweisstoffe XXXV. Über die Spezifität der Pankreasproteasen bei der Spaltung des Clupeins
    1956, Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 1035–1042 [Abstract]
  • A. Jakubovič, L. Šlechta, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Über Viren VII. Vergleichende Studie zweier Stämme des Tabakmosaikvirus
    1956, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 29–33 [Abstract]
  • V. Knesslová, V. Kostka, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. XXXIII. Differences in the composition of the arginine peptides from some serum albumins
    1955, Vol. 20, Issue 6, pp. 1311–1319 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and M. Hrubešová
    The peptide accompanying pancreatic ribonucleic acid
    1955, Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp. 713–714 [Abstract]
  • J. Vaněček, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. XXVIII. Comparison of arginine peptides from partial hydrolysates of chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen
    1955, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp. 363–370 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. XXVII. Comparative study of the acidic peptide fractions from partial hydrolysates of chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen
    1954, Vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 1018–1031 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil
    On proteins. XXVI. Photometric analysis of protein hydrolysates
    1954, Vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 1006–1017 [Abstract]
  • V. Knesslová, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Über Proteine XXIII. Substitution einiger ε-Aminogruppen des Lysins im Chymotrypsinogenmolekül bei der Reaktion mit Dinitrofluorbenzol
    1954, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 835–838 [Abstract]
  • B. Meloun, B. Keil and F. Šorm
    Über Aminosäuren und Peptide IX. Über die Konstitution des Peptides Phalloidin II.
    1954, Vol. 19, Issue 1, pp. 153–161 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and F. Šorm
    On proteins. XIX. Methylation of chymotrypsinogen and chymotrypsin
    1953, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 550–559 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm, B. Keil and I. Rychlík
    Über Eiweisskörper und Aminosäuren XV. Die Aktivierung von Chymotrypsinogen zu Chymotrypsin
    1953, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 285–293 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil, V. Tomášek and J. Sedláčková
    Über Eiweisskörper und Aminosäuren XIV. Die quantitative Bestimmung von dinitrophenylierten Eiweisskörpern
    1953, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 275–284 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm and B. Keil
    On proteins and amino-acids. IX. The constitution of phalloidin
    1951, Vol. 16, pp. 366–379 [Abstract]
  • B. Keil and J. Potůčková
    On proteins and amino-acids. V. The preparation of apoferritin by alcohol precipitation
    1951, Vol. 16, pp. 204–206 [Abstract]
  • O. Knessl, B. Keil, A. Malý and F. Šorm
    On proteins and amino-acids IV. Partition chromatography of DNP-amino-acids on kieselguhr and siliconated materials
    1950, Vol. 15, pp. 918–928 [Abstract]
  • A. H. Gordon, B. Keil, K. Šebesta, O. Knessl and F. Šorm
    Electrophoresis of proteins in agar jelly
    1950, Vol. 15, pp. 1–16 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm and B. Keil
    On the synthesis of sparteine and isosparteine
    1948, Vol. 13, pp. 544–556 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm and B. Keil
    The synthesis of one isomeride of dioxosparteine
    1947, Vol. 12, pp. 655–660 [Abstract]