Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1962, 27, 987-993
On terpenes. CXXXV. Composition of the oil from Lindera strychnifolia (F.) WILL. leaves
O. Motl and V. Lukeš
Individual author index pages
Other CCCC articles of these authors
- O. Motl and B. Drożdż
Components of Libanotis intermedia RUPR. fruits
1977, Vol. 42, Issue 9, pp. 2815–2818 [Abstract] - O. Motl
Plant substances. XXXVI. Components of Laserpitium siler L. fruits
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 12, pp. 3637–3641 [Abstract] - M. Holub, O. Motl, Z. Samek and V. Herout
On terpenes. CCXIV. The structure of two sesquiterpenic lactones, isomontanolide and acetylisomontanolide from Laserpitium siler L.
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 4, pp. 1186–1194 [Abstract] - O. Motl and S. K. Paknikar
On terpenes. CXCIII. Composition of the oil from Cupressus funebris ENDL. leaves
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 1939–1942 [Abstract] - O. Motl, M. Romaňuk and V. Herout
On terpenes. CLXXVIII. Composition of the oil from Amorpha fruticosa L. fruits structure of (-)-γ-amorphene
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 5, pp. 2025–2033 [Abstract] - P. N. Chow, O. Motl and V. Lukeš
On terpenes. CLXXIII. Hydrocarbons from the oil of laurel leaves
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 917–929 [Abstract] - B. Trivedi, O. Motl, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CLXIV. Composition of the oil from Cyperus rotundus L. structure of patchoulenone
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 1675–1688 [Abstract] - V. Lukeš and R. Komers
On terpenes. CLXIII. Gas chromatography of sesquiterpenic hydrocarbons
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 1598–1603 [Abstract] - W. Z. Chow, O. Motl and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CXL. Composition of the oil from Atractylodes lancea THUNB. The structure of hinesol
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 8, pp. 1914–1926 [Abstract] - V. A. Pentegova, O. Motl and V. Herout
On terpenes. CXXVI. Composition of neutral resin fraction of (Pinus sibirica R. MAYR)
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 5, pp. 1362–1372 [Abstract] - V. Lukeš and V. Herout
Apparatur für die präparative Gas-Flüssigkeits-Chromatographie
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 11, pp. 2770–2776 [Abstract] - O. Motl, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CXII. The composition of the oil from Juniperus oxycedrus L. berries
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 6, pp. 1656–1662 [Abstract] - L. Dolejš, O. Motl, M. Souček, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CVIII. Epimeric aromadendrenes. Stereoisomerism of ledol, viridiflorol and globulol
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 1483–1491 [Abstract] - O. Motl, V. Sýkora, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. LXXXVI. The structure of two crystalline cadinols
1958, Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp. 1297–1306 [Abstract] - O. Motl, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. LXXXV. The structure of juniper camphor, another alcohol of the selinane type from juniper oil
1958, Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp. 1293–1296 [Abstract] - R. Lukeš, J. Trojánek and V. Lukeš
Über den hofmannschen Abbau quaternärer Basen und Salze mit ungesättigten Alkylen VIII. Hexamethyl-trimethylen-bis-ammoniumhydroxyd
1958, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 321–325 [Abstract] - O. Motl, V. Herout and F. Šorm
Über Terpene LXXIV. Junenol, ein neuer Sesquiterpen-Alkohol aus Wacholderbeeröl
1957, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 785–792 [Abstract] - V. Herout, O. Motl and F. Šorm
On terpenes. LX. Composition of juniper oil
1954, Vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 990–1002 [Abstract]