Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1964, 29, 1507-1520
A method for estimating molecular constants of diatomic molecules using reduced potential curves
F. Jenč
Crossref Cited-by Linking
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- Coxon J.A.: The calculation of potential energy curves of diatomic molecules: Application to halogen molecules. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 1971, 11, 443. <>
- Jenč F.: Ground state potential curve of Te2 by the reduced potential curve method. Journal of Molecular Structure 1969, 4, 157. <>
- Jenč Ff.: Ground state reduced potential curves (RPC) of BeF, CS, SiN, P2, SiS and GeO. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy 1968, 24, 259. <>
- Jenč F.: Ground-state reduced potential curves of diatomic molecules. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1967, 24, 284. <>
- Jenč F.: Ground-State Reduced Potential Curve (RPC) and the Anomaly of Cl2. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1967, 47, 4910. <>
- Jenč F.: On the Validity of the Reduced Potential Curve (RPC) Method. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1967, 47, 127. <>
- Jenč F.: Note on the anomaly of the states of alkali hydrides. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1966, 19, 63. <>