Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1967, 32, 2177-2183
The transformation of pentoses in pyridine
M. Fedoroňko and K. Linek
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- Linek Kazimír, Sandtnerová Rozália, Sticzay Tibor, Kovác̆ik Vladimír, Kulhánek Milos̆, Tadra Milan: The synthesis of 4-deoxy-L-glycero-pentulose by biochemical dehydrogenation of 2-deoxy-D-erythro-pentitol. Carbohydrate Research 1979, 76, 290. <>
- Angyal Stephen J., Bethell Geoffrey S., Beveridge Robert J.: The separation of sugars and of polyols on cation-exchange resins in the calcium form. Carbohydrate Research 1979, 73, 9. <>
- Okuda Takuo, Saito Setsuo, Watanabe Kyoko, Isono Hiroko: Synthesis of erythro-3-pentulose via a pentitol isopropylidene acetal and of l-threo-3-pentulose via a benzylidene acetal of a pentitol. Carbohydrate Research 1978, 67, 117. <>
- Stankovič L̆udovít, Linek Kazimír, Fedoron̆ko Michal: Ketoses and their derivatives. Part II1. The synthesis of methyl glycosides of 2-pentuloses by the fischer method, but with catalysis by acetic acid. Carbohydrate Research 1974, 35, 242. <>
- Okuda T., Saito S., Uobe K.: 2,4-dinitrophenylosazones from coriose and D-glucose. Tetrahedron 1974, 30, 1187. <>
- Linek K., Fedoron̆ko M., Isbell H.S.: The interconversion of the D-tetroses in pyridine. Carbohydrate Research 1972, 21, 326. <>
- Stuart Tipson R., Brady Robert F.: Synthesis of the two d-2-pentuloses. Carbohydrate Research 1969, 10, 549. <>
- Stankovič Ľ., Linek K., Fedoroňko M.: Oxidation of Alditols by mercury(II) acetate. Carbohydrate Research 1969, 10, 579. <>
- Isbell H.S., Frush H.L., Wade C.W.R., Hunter C.E.: Transformations of sugars in alkaline solutions. Carbohydrate Research 1969, 9, 163. <>
- Sticzay T., Peciar C., Babor K., Fedoron̆ko M., Linek K.: Optical rotary dispersion studies. Correlation between the structure and o.r.d. curves of acyclic ketoses. Carbohydrate Research 1968, 6, 418. <>