- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 10
pp. 3073-3080
S. Sýkora Approximate methods in analysis of NMR spectra. I. Application of perturbation theory to decomposition of many-spin systems -
pp. 3081-3089
J. Toušek Lochfrasskorrosion des Eisens in Chloridlösungen -
pp. 3090-3096
P. Zuman and B. Turcsanyi Polarographic reduction of aldehydes and ketones. II. pH-Dependence of polarographic limiting currents of aryl alkyl ketones governed by the rate of simultaneous reactions with several acids producing the electroactive species -
pp. 3097-3105
M. Řeháková and Z. Novosad Multistage column reactors. IV. Residence time distribution for one-phase flow in a mechanically agitated system -
pp. 3106-3112
V. Kratochvíl, P. Povondra and Z. Šulcek Sorption von Kationen aus einem Komplexan-Medium V. Verhalten einiger Chelone an Kationenaustauschern -
pp. 3113-3121
K. Kořínek and I. Peka Untersuchung der Sorption von gasförmigem Uranhexafluorid an festem Bariumfluorid -
pp. 3122-3130
B. Náhlovský and V. Chvalovský The acidity function (Ho)I for solutions of hydrogen chloride in ethanol -
pp. 3131-3137
B. Náhlovský and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LIX. Acid solvolysis of substituted phenyldimethylsilanes. Change of ρ in dependence on the reaction mixture composition -
pp. 3138-3153
J. Kuthan, J. Paleček, J. Procházková and V. Skála An HMO study of methyl homologues of pyridine -
pp. 3154-3169
V. Macháček, J. Panchartek, V. Štěrba and M. Večeřa Kinetics and mechanism of diazo coupling. II. The coupling of nitroethane with p-nitrobenzenediazonium chloride -
pp. 3170-3175
K. Bláha, I. Frič and J. Smolíková Amino acids and peptides. LXXXI. Conformation about the amide bond in benzoyl- and acetyl-L-leucine ethyl esters: Optical rotatory dispersion and infrared spectral study -
pp. 3176-3181
S. Doležal and O. Horský Radical additions to olefin derivatives. III. Addition of methyl trichloromethyl ether and methyl trichloromethyl sulfide to olefins -
pp. 3182-3190
E. Šittler and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XXXIV. The kinetics of polymerization of caprolactam initiated by sodium caprolactam -
pp. 3191-3196
K. Pommerening, J. Štamberg and P. Sedláček Chemische Umsetzungen der Polymere VII. Acetylierung des löslichen Poly[(β-oxyäthyl)methacrylats] -
pp. 3197-3204
M. Ilavský, J. Hasa and J. Janáček The effect of the ethereal oxygen and the hydroxyl group of the side chains on the glass transition temperature and the viscoelastic characteristics of some esters of poly(methacrylic acid) -
pp. 3205-3212
P. Zuman, B. Turcsanyi and A. K. Mills Polarographic reduction of aldehydes and ketones. III. Effects of alkyl groups in the side chain on the half-wave potentials of deoxybenzoins and some other alkyl aryl ketones -
pp. 3213-3226
P. Zuman, O. Exner, R. F. Rekker and W. Th. Nauta Polarographic reduction of aldehydes and ketones. IV. Linear free energy treatment of substituted benzophenones -
pp. 3227-3234
I. Šestáková, J. Pecka and P. Zuman Polarographic reduction of aldehydes and ketones. V. Reduction course of some β-ketosulphides and effects of alkyl groups on sulphur -
pp. 3235-3244
V. Staněk, J. Tichý and V. Kolář Distribution of liquid over a random packing. VI. Effect of distribution of liquid on experimentally determined hold-up of liquid in a randomly packed bed -
pp. 3245-3253
V. Halaška, L. Lochmann and D. Lím Association degree of t-butoxides of alkali metals in aprotic solvents -
pp. 3254-3265
S. Dvořák Approximation of length of a polymeric chain with excluded volume -
pp. 3266-3279
F. Jiráček, J. Pašek and J. Horák Hydrierungskinetik von Benzol an Nickelkatalysator auf Aluminiumoxid -
pp. 3280-3292
J. Arient, J. Knížek, J. Marhan and V. Slavík Anthrachinonfarbstoffe II. Untersuchung über die intramolekularen Wasserstoffbrücken in Dianthrimiden und Diphthaloylcarbazolen mit Hilfe der IR-Spektren -
pp. 3293-3303
J. Žemlička and S. Chládek Aminoacyl derivatives of nucleosides, nucleotides and polynucleotides. IV. Synthesis of 2'(3')-O-glycyladenosine 5'-triphosphate and 5'-pyrophosphate -
pp. 3304-3312
M. P. Mertes and J. Smrt Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXV. Synthesis of N4-hydroxy-6-azacytidine 5'-phosphate and 5'-diphosphate -
pp. 3313-3323
M. P. Mertes, A. Holý and J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XXVI. Synthesis of uridylyl-(3'→5')-N4-hydroxy-6-azacytidine and N4-hydroxy-6-azacytidylyl-(3'→5')-uridine -
pp. 3324-3341
J. Fajkoš, J. Joska and F. Šorm On steroids. CXVI. 5,7-Cyclosteroids. II. Solvolytic reactions of the epimeric 3-methanesulphonyloxy-5,7-cyclosteroids -
pp. 3342-3355
J. Joska, J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm On steroids. CXVII. 5,7-Cyclosteroids. III. 5,7-Cyclosteroid androgen analogues -
pp. 3356-3365
J. Fajkoš, J. Joska and F. Šorm On steroids. CXVIII. 5,7-Cyclosteroids. IV. Synthesis of 2,3-disubstituted 5β,7β-cyclosteroids -
pp. 3366-3371
M. Petáková, E. Simonianová, O. Jozová, M. Rybák and J. Hladovec Rat serum and liver homogenate enzymes splitting N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester -
pp. 3372-3374
V. Špirko and Z. Samek On the Hamiltonian traces in high-resolution NMR analysis -
pp. 3374-3377
V. Rak and V. Petržíla Abhängigkeit der Uranhexafluoridlöslichkeit in Perfluordimethylcyclohexan von der Temperatur -
pp. 3377-3380
V. Bekárek, J. Socha and M. Večeřa Correlations between proton chemical shifts of hydroxyl groups with intramolecular hydrogen bondings and Hammett substituent constants -
pp. 3381-3383
Z. Tuzar and P. Kratochvíl Light scattering. XIX. Correction for fluorescence -
pp. 3384-3386
J. Kolařík On the structure and properties of polyamides. XXXI. The secondary relaxation process of alkaline polycaprolactam irradiated with γ rays of 60Co -
pp. 3387-3390
M. Procházka, O. Ryba and D. Lím Azo-compounds. II. The kinetics of thermal decomposition of 2,2'-azoisobutane, 2,2'-dimethyl-2,2'-azopentane, and 1,1'-azoadamantane -
pp. 3391-3393
B. Náhlovský and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LX. Relationship between the acidity of the medium and the rate of acid-catalyzed solvolysis of organosilicon hydrides
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.