Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1971, 36, 3543-3548

Axial dispersion in a reactor with a helical flow

T. Sákra, F. Lešek and H. Cermánková

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Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • K. Jelínek, F. Lešek and M. Sivoková
    Vapour-liquid equlibrium in binary water-1,2-propylene glycol, water-diethylene glycol and water-1,4-butandiol systems
    1976, Vol. 41, Issue 9, pp. 2650–2656 [Abstract]
  • T. Sákra, J. Stejskal and F. Rodinger
    Axial dispersion in tubular reactor
    1975, Vol. 40, Issue 2, pp. 533–538 [Abstract]