Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1977, 42, 1960-1968

Solution properties and branching of poly[2-(triphenylmethoxy)ethyl methacrylate]

M. Doležalová, V. Petrus and M. Bohdanecký

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • V. Vošický, M. Bohdanecký and K. Dušek
    Solubilization of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) with aqueous salt solutions; Viscometry in solutions of potassium thiocyanate
    1977, Vol. 42, Issue 5, pp. 1627–1635 [Abstract]
  • V. Vošický, M. Bohdanecký and K. Dušek
    Solubilization of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) with aqueous salt solutions; Viscometric study of the solutions
    1977, Vol. 42, Issue 5, pp. 1615–1626 [Abstract]
  • K. Dušek, M. Bohdanecký and V. Vošický
    Solubilization of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) with aqueous salt solutions; Swelling of gels
    1977, Vol. 42, Issue 5, pp. 1599–1614 [Abstract]
  • D. Poupětová, O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký
    Non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute polystyrene solutions. Analysis in terms of Wolff's equation
    1976, Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp. 209–219 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký, L. Mrkvičková and J. Kovář
    Molecular weight distribution of poly(phenylsilsesquioxanes)
    1975, Vol. 40, Issue 9, pp. 2616–2621 [Abstract]
  • E. Prokopová and M. Bohdanecký
    Electrophoretic behaviour of undissociable polymers in aqueous salt solutions
    1973, Vol. 38, Issue 5, pp. 1502–1506 [Abstract]
  • J. Otoupalová, Z. Tuzar, M. Bohdanecký and S. Hudeček
    Acidolysis of poly[(2-triphenylmethoxyethyl)methacrylate]
    1973, Vol. 38, Issue 3, pp. 870–876 [Abstract]
  • J. Kovář, I. Fortelný and M. Bohdanecký
    Effect of solvent in the evaluation of the experimental data on the flow birefringence of polymer solutions
    1973, Vol. 38, Issue 3, pp. 848–853 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    The Huggins viscometric constant of some linear polymers in a series of solvents
    1970, Vol. 35, Issue 7, pp. 1972–1990 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký and Z. Tuzar
    Study of unperturbed dimensions of poly(ethylene glycol methacrylate)
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 11, pp. 3318–3324 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký and Z. Tuzar
    Unperturbed dimensions of the molecules of poly-ε-caprolactam
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 9, pp. 2589–2597 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. XIII. Viscometrically determined polyvinyl chloride-solvent interaction parameters
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 7, pp. 2065–2073 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký, V. Petrus and P. Kratochvíl
    The effects of solvent and temperature on the characteristic ratios of poly(vinyl chloride) molecules in solutions
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 1168–1178 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. XII. Correlation of parameters of the excluded volume in systems polymer-kindred solvent
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 2, pp. 407–418 [Abstract]
  • Z. Tuzar and M. Bohdanecký
    The properties of diluted solutions of poly(ethylene glycol monomethacrylate)
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 1, pp. 289–294 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    A note to the determination of the temperature coefficient of unperturbed dimensions of the polymers
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 4397–4400 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký, Z. Tuzar, M. Štoll and R. Chromeček
    Fractionation and molecular weight determination of poly(ethylene glycol methacrylate)
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 4104–4110 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký, V. Petrus and P. Kratochvíl
    On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. X. Extraction of polyvinyl chloride by solvents and properties of the extracted substances in solutions
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 4089–4094 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký
    The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers. II. The non-Newtonian viscosity of polystyrene solutions in relation to the thermodynamic quality of the solvent
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 7, pp. 2130–2141 [Abstract]
  • V. Petrus
    On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. IX. The determination of molecular parameters of polyvinyl chloride by sedimentation analysis
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 1, pp. 119–130 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    The effect of polydispersity on the Huggins constant
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 10, pp. 4095–4107 [Abstract]
  • J. Exner and M. Bohdanecký
    On the skeletons of ion exchangers. XVIII. The behaviour of polystyrene in the preparation of macroporous styrene-divinylbenzene structures
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 10, pp. 3985–3989 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    The use of the viscosity-average molecular weights for characterization of the distribution functions of polymers
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 10, pp. 3979–3984 [Abstract]
  • J. Kolínský and M. Bohdanecký
    Kinetics of the etherification of phenol alcohols. II. Side reactions
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 7, pp. 2841–2850 [Abstract]
  • J. Kolínský, M. Vašta, R. Chromeček and M. Bohdanecký
    Kinetics of the etherification of phenol alcohols. I. Effect of structure of the phenol alcohol on the rate of etherification
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 7, pp. 2714–2726 [Abstract]
  • P. Munk, M. Bohdanecký and O. Quadrat
    The Huggins constant of non-Newtonian solutions
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 353–355 [Abstract]
  • S. Luňák and M. Bohdanecký
    Über die Fraktionierung von Polycarbonaten
    1965, Vol. 30, Issue 8, pp. 2756–2770 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    Determination of the Mark-Houwink constant Kθ for an ideal solvent from viscometric data measured in non-ideal solvents
    1965, Vol. 30, Issue 5, pp. 1576–1596 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    Volume effects in solutions of polymethyl methacrylate in good solvents
    1965, Vol. 30, Issue 5, pp. 1564–1575 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký
    On the structure and properties of polyamides. XV. Analysis of the dependence of viscosity on concentration of solutions of poly-ε-caprolactam in formic acid
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 10, pp. 2469–2478 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký
    On the structure and properties of polyamides. XIV. Intrinsic viscosity and polyelectrolyte expansion of poly-ε-caprolactam molecules in formic acid
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 10, pp. 2449–2468 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký
    Viscometric properties of polymethyl methacrylate in poor solvents
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 876–885 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký and A. Sternschuss
    Über die Zusammensetzung gehärteter Polyesterharze
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 3, pp. 1008–1009 [Abstract]
  • J. Exner and M. Bohdanecký
    Über die Autooxydation von Butylmethacrylat
    1958, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 239–248 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký and J. Exner
    Konzentrationsabhängigkeit der Viskosität der Lösungen von Polymeren. Einfluss des nichtnewtonischen Flusses
    1958, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 198–205 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký and J. Exner
    Nichtnewtonsche Strömung verdünnter Lösungen von Polymethylmethakrylaten
    1956, Vol. 21, Issue 6, pp. 1584–1591 [Abstract]
  • J. Exner and M. Bohdanecký
    Polarographische Bestimmung von Hydrochinon in Monomeren
    1955, Vol. 20, Issue 5, pp. 1246–1248 [Abstract]
  • M. Bohdanecký and J. Exner
    Polarographische Bestimmung der Autoxydationsprodukte in Methacrylaten
    1955, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp. 917–922 [Abstract]