Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1980, 45, 1099-1108
Polarographic study of hydrolysis of [8-lysine]vasopressin and its derivatives with blood serum of pregnant women
Mikuláš Chavkoa, Michal Bartíkb and Evžen Kasafírekc
a Institute of Neurobiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 040 00 Košice
b Institute of Biochemistry and Agrochemistry, Veterinary Institute, 041 81 Košice
c Research Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry, 130 60 Prague 3
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- Hurek Józef, Bulińska Małgorzata, Gąsiorowska Teresa: Voltammetric determination of dipeptidyl aminopeptidases I and IV. Mikrochim Acta 1992, 108, 311. <>