Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1980, 45, 2152-2163
Wash-out of solid phase from the mechanically stirred charge
Václav Machoň, Vladimír Kudrna and Vlasta Hudcová
Department of Chemical Engineering, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28 Prague 6
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- Diez-Lazaro A., Hitchman M.L., Littlejohn D.: Considerations for the Selection and Design of Sampling Systems for Heterogeneous Processes in a Stirred Tank Reactor. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2005, 83, 344. <>
- Magelli F., Nocentini M., Orlandini F., Fajner D., Pinelli D.: Solids Separation at the Exit of a Continuous-Flow Slurry Reactor Stirred with Multiple Axial Impellers. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1997, 75, 284. <>