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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1984, 49, 2807-2815

Kinetic analysis of reactions of phenylhydrazonopropanedinitriles with thiols

Marián Antalíka, Ernest Šturdíka, Oldřich Pytelab, Ľudovít Drobnicaa and Pavol Suloa

a Department of Technical Microbiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Slovak Institute of Technology, 812 37 Bratislava
b Department of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, 532 10 Pardubice

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Šturdik Ernest, Baláz Štefan, Ďurčová Edita, Šturdiková Mária, Sulo Pavol, Antalik Marián, Mikeš Vladimír, Dadák Vladimír: Model‐Based Relation between Physicochemical Properties, Uptake and Uncoupling Effect of Carbonylcyanide Phenylhydrazones on Oxidative Phosphorylation at Cellular Level. Quant. Struct.‐Act. Relat. 1988, 7, 221. <>