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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1984, 49, 1854-1868

Monte Carlo calculations of solvent effect in the reaction F- + CH3F = F...CH3....F-

Ivan Černušák and Miroslav Urban

Department of Physical Chemistry, Comenius University, 842 15 Bratislava

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  • Bianco R., Miertuš S., Persico M., Tomasi J.: Molecular reactivity in solution. Modelling of the effects of the solvent and of its stochastic fluctuation on an SN2 reaction. Chemical Phys 1992, 168, 281. <>
  • Alemán Carles, Maseras Feliu, Lledós Agustí, Duran Miquel, Bertrán Juan: Analysis of solvent effect on SN2 reactions by different theoretical models. J of Physical Organic Chem 1989, 2, 611. <>