Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1988, 53, 515-525

Hydroxyethyliminodiacetic acid in the isotachophoretic separation of alkali cations

Iva Valáškováa, Imrich Zelenskýb, Viera Zelenskáb, Alexander Komarnickib and Dušan Kanianskyc

a Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University, 832 32 Bratislava
b Faculty of Science, Comenius University, 842 15 Bratislava
c Chemical Institute, Comenius University, 842 15 Bratislava

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Vlasta Madajová and Imrich Zelenský
    Substitution at hydrazo group and stability of some hydrazo compounds
    1981, Vol. 46, Issue 5, pp. 1116–1123 [Abstract]
  • Vlasta Madajová and Imrich Zelenský
    Influence of structure of some azo compounds on their acid-base properties and reduction
    1981, Vol. 46, Issue 4, pp. 987–1001 [Abstract]
  • Viera Zelenská, Vlasta Madajová, Imrich Zelenský and Tamara Vergunová
    Possibilities of analytical application of the azo-hydrazo system of 2-(4'-N,N-diethylaminophenylazo)-7-oxo-5,5-dimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzthiazole in acid medium
    1978, Vol. 43, Issue 10, pp. 2549–2554 [Abstract]
  • Viera Zelenská, Vlasta Madajová and Imrich Zelenský
    Acid-base properties and the reduction mechanism of 2-(4'-N,N-diethylaminophenylazo)-7-oxo-5,5-dimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzthiazole
    1978, Vol. 43, Issue 9, pp. 2289–2297 [Abstract]