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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1991, 56, 646-656

Polyhedral platinadicarbaborane chemistry. The molecular structure and some NMR properties of [9,9-(PPh3)2-arachno-9,5,6-PtC2B7H11]

Bohumil Štíbra, Karel Bašea, Tomáš Jelíneka, Xavier L. R. Fontaineb, John D. Kennedyb and Mark Thornton-Pettb

a Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 250 68 Řež near Prague, Czechoslovakia
b School Of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England

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  • Holub Josef, Štíbr Bohumil, Janoušek Zbyněk, Kennedy John D., Thornton-Pett Mark: Ten-vertex polyhedral dicarbaborane chemistry: new positional isomers of cluster constituents in the ten-vertex arachnodicarbaborane family: the patent [arachno-5,10-C2B8H13]− anion and the isomeric ligand derivatives exo-9-L-arachno-5,6-C2B8H12 and exo-6-L-arachno-5 ,10-C2B8H12. Inorganica Chimica Acta 1994, 221, 5. <>
  • Bould Jonathan, Kennedy John D., McDonald Walter S.: Polyhedral platinaborane chemistry. Some structural and NMR studies on the four-vertex arachno-1-platinatetraborane system. Inorganica Chimica Acta 1992, 196, 201. <>