Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1991, 56, 1200-1209

Study of the coordinated system Pb(II)-alanine-alaninate ion

Jesús César Rodríguez Placeresa, Josefa Castro Maciasa, Mercedes Lemus Sáncheza and Teresa María Borges Miquelb

a Department of Physical Chemistry, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
b Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

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Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Juan Carlos Ruiz-Morales, Jesús César Rodríguez Placeres*, Manuel Barrera Niebla and Mariana Cuesta Sánchez
    A New Method of Analysis of Polarographic Waves
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  • Jesús C. Rodríguez Placeres*, Josefa Castro Macias, Mercedes Lemus Sánchez, Teresa M. Borges Miquel and Juan C. Ruiz-Morales
    Polarographic Study of the Systems Pb(II)-Valine and Pb(II)-Valinate Ion Under Physiological Conditions
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  • Jesús César Rodríguez Placeres, Ana María Alloza Moreno, Remedios Sosa Diaz and Graciliano Manuel Ruiz Cabrera
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    1992, Vol. 57, Issue 9, pp. 1811–1820 [Abstract]
  • Jesús César Rodríguez Placeres, Graciliano Manuel Ruiz Cabrera, Ana María Alloza Moreno and Mariana Cuesta Sánchez
    Thermodynamic Functions of the Coordinated System Pb(II)-Oxalate
    1992, Vol. 57, Issue 9, pp. 1807–1810 [Abstract]
  • María Teresa Sanz Alaejos, Jesús César Rodríguez Placeres and Francisco J. García Montelongo
    Study of the Mixed Coordinated Systems Cu(II)-Valinate Ion-Glycinate Ion and Cu(II)-Valinate Ion-Leucinate Ion
    1992, Vol. 57, Issue 7, pp. 1405–1409 [Abstract]