Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1992, 57, 774-780
AlPO4 Molecular Sieves Modified with Metal Chelate Complexes
Stanisłav Kowalaka and Kenneth J. Balkus, Jr.b
a A. Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry, 60-780 Poznań, Poland
b University of Texas at Dallas, Dept. of Chemistry, Richardson, Texas 75083-0688, U.S.A.
Individual author index pages
Other CCCC articles of these authors
- Stanisłav Kowalak, Maria Pawłowska and Kenneth J. Balkus, Jr.
Catalytic Properties of Fluorine Modified SmNa-Y Zeolites
1992, Vol. 57, Issue 4, pp. 781–787 [Abstract]