Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1992, 57, 938-945

The Templating Role of Cyclohexylamine in the Synthesis of Microporous Aluminophosphates

Heide-Lore Zubowa, Rolf Fricke, Hendrik Kosslick, F. Neissendorfer and E. Schreier

Central Institute of Physical Chemistry, D(0)-1199 Berlin-Adlershof, Germany

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Heide-Lore Zubowa, Ellen Schreier, Karin Jancke, Ursula Steinike and Rolf Fricke
    The Synthesis of the Molecular Sieve Cloverite in the Presence of Heteroatoms
    1995, Vol. 60, Issue 3, pp. 403–411 [Abstract]
  • Blanka Wichterlová, Gert Vorbeck, Rolf Fricke, J. Richter-Mendau and Jiří Čejka
    Structure and Shape-Selective Properties of MFI Type Ferrisilicates. A Comparison with Aluminosilicate Analogues
    1992, Vol. 57, Issue 4, pp. 799–808 [Abstract]