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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1996, 61, 1815-1822

Alkaloids of Meconopsis cambrica (L.) VIG. and M. robusta HOOK. f. et THOMS.

Jiří Slavík and Leonora Slavíková

Biochemical Institute of Medical Faculty, Masaryk University, 662 43 Brno, Czech Republic

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  • Li Mao-Xing, Wang Jin-Hui, He Xi-Rui, Fan Peng-Cheng, Zhang Ru-Xue, Jia Zheng-Ping: Retracted: Phytochemical and Biological Studies of Plants from the Genus Meconopsis. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2010, 7, 1930. <>
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  • Marek Radek, Marek Jaromír, Dostál Jiří, Táborská Eva, Slavík Jiří, Dommisse Roger: Isoquinoline alkaloids: a 15N NMR and x‐ray study. Part 2. Magnetic Reson in Chemistry 2002, 40, 687. <>