Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1998, 63, 842-850

Interaction of HIV Tat Peptides With tRNAPhe from Yeast

Iwona Buskiewicza, Malgorzata Giel-Pietraszuka, Piotr Muchab, Piotr Rekowskib, Gotfryd Kupryszewskib and Miroslawa Z. Barciszewskaa

a Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Noskowskiego 12/14, 61-704 Poznań, Poland
b Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, Sobieskiego 18, 80-952 Gdansk, Poland

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Piotr Mucha, Agnieszka Szyk, Piotr Rekowski, Gotfryd Kupryszewski, Genowefa Slósarek and Jan Barciszewski*
    Conformation of Systemin, a Polypeptide Activator of Proteinase Inhibitor Synthesis in Plants
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  • Jolanta Zboinska, Krzysztof Rolka, Gotfryd Kupryszewski, Krzysztof Golba, Piotr Imiolek, Piotr Janas and Zbigniew S. Herman
    Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship of Scyliorhinin I Analogues Modified in Position 3, 6, 7 and 8
    1993, Vol. 58, Issue 4, pp. 918–924 [Abstract]
  • Zbigniev Maćkiewicz, Hanna Świderska, Maria Kalmanowa, Zygfryd Smiatacz, Adam Nowosławski and Gotfryd Kupryszewski
    Conjugates of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (14-32)Pre-S2 Region with N-Acetylmuramic Acid, N-Acetylnormuramic Acid, and Their L-Alanyl-D-Isoglutamine Derivatives: Synthesis and Studies on Immunogenicity
    1992, Vol. 57, Issue 1, pp. 204–211 [Abstract]
  • Krzysztof Rolka, Gotfryd Kupryszewski, Piotr Janas, Jarosław Myszor and Zbigniew S. Herman
    Synthesis and biological activity in GPI test of scyliorhinin I and its analogues modified in position 8 by Leu, Sar and Pro residues
    1991, Vol. 56, Issue 9, pp. 1957–1962 [Abstract]
  • Bernard Lammek, Izabela Derdowska, Gotfryd Kupryszewski, Jiřina Slaninová and Tomislav Barth
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  • Bernard Lammek, Izabela Derdowska, Gotfryd Kupryszewski, Jiřina Slaninová, Tomislav Barth and Pavel Hrbas
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  • Bernard Lammek, Zbigniew Maćkiewicz, Izabela Derdowska, Hanna Świderska, Adam Nowosławski and Gotfryd Kupryszewski
    Synthesis of hepatitis B surface antigen pre-S2 region fragments and studies on their immunogenicity
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