Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
2003, 68, 1420-1436
New Rigid Conducting Composites for Electrochemical Sensors
Barbara Ballarina,*, Maria del Mar Cordero-Randob, Eduardo Blancoc, José Luis Hidalgo-Hidalgo De Cisnerosb, Renato Seeberd and Domenica Tonellia
a Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica e Inorganica, Università di Bologna, V.le Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italy
b Departamento de Química Analítica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Cádiz, Polígono Río San Pedro, Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain
c Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Cádiz, Polígono Río San Pedro, Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain
d Dipartimento di Chimica, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via G. Campi 183, 41100 Modena, Italy
In this work, a novel sonogel-carbon material, obtained via a sonocatalytic procedure, is proposed as a matrix for the preparation of composite electrodes. This material combines the electrical properties of graphite with the mechanical resistance of the sonogel network; an electroactive phase is incorporated inside to give a system with peculiar redox properties. Ni/Al-Cl hydrotalcite and cobalt phthalocyanine complex were used to this end. The electrochemical behaviour of the sonogel-carbon-Ni/Al-Cl and of the sonogel-carbon-cobalt phthalocyanine composites is studied by cyclic voltammetry. These electrodes are stable and lead to repeatable responses. The responses have been compared with those of similar electrodes without added graphite. Key points of the electrochemical behaviour have been identified and discussed and the electrocatalytic capabilities have been investigated on oxidisable substrates, on methanol and on cysteine.
Keywords: Composite materials; Sonogel-carbon electrodes; Hydrotalcite-like clay; Amperometric sensors; Cobalt phthalocyanine complexes; Sonocatalysis; Ultrasound; Cyclic voltammetry; Electrochemistry.
References: 27 live references.